Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut has been grabbing all the eyeballs with her statements on social media. The ‘Panga’ actress, who has been quite vocal about her opinion on the farmers’ protest, expressed her displeasure over Congress leader Sukhdev Panse’s derogatory remark against her. According to a report in IANS, the former Madhya Pradesh minister passed an unsavory remark against the ‘Queen’ star and called her ‘Naachney Gaane Waali’.
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Panse’s remark didn’t go down well with Kangana, who was quick enough to react to it. She slammed the politician, who served as a minister in the Kamal Nath government in Madhya Pradesh.
“Whoever this fool is does he know I am no Deepika Katrina or Alia.... I am the only one who refused to do item numbers, refused to do big hero ( Khan /Kumar) films which made entire Bullywoodiya gang men +women against me. I am a Rajput woman I don’t shake ass I break bones,” Ranaut tweeted.
Kangana mentioned three leading Bollywood actresses- Deepika Padukone, Katrina Kaif and Alia while responding to the tweet. The Pahadi beauty said that she refused to do item numbers and films with A-listers which made the industry people gang up against her.
Last week, Congress workers threatened to disrupt the shoot of ‘Dhaakad’ if Kangana failed to issue an apology for her tweets on the farmers’ protest. The party workers staged a protest at Betul’s Sarni where the ‘Fashion’ actress is currently busy shooting for ‘Dhaakad’. The state’s police had to take action against the protesting Congress leaders.
According to IANS, Panse said that the police officials should not act as a puppet of Ranaut as the governments keep changing. He also demanded a ‘fair investigation’ of the state police’s action against his party workers.
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Talking about Kangana, the tinsel town diva will be seen playing the role of a spy in ‘Dhaakad’. The action thriller also stars Arjun Rampal and Divya Dutta in pivotal roles. The upcoming flick is slated to hit the silver screens on October 1, 2021.
Kangana also has ‘Thalaivi’, ‘Manikarnika Returns’ and ‘Tejas’ in her kitty. The National Award winning actress had remained in headlines throughout the second half of 2020. Her Twitter feud with singer Diljit Dosanjh had set several tongues wagging.
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