New Delhi: 'Jawan', Shah Rukh Khan's most recent movie, is unbeatable at the box office after an overwhelming overall reception. The movie has grossed over Rs 200 crore in domestic theatres. According to, the action movie took in over Rs 74 crore on Saturday.
Meanwhile, at the worldwide box office, the action flick has also brought in Rs 240.47 crore. On Friday, the movie hauled in Rs 109.24 around the globe.
Early estimates show that 'Jawan' grossed Rs 74.50 crore net on its third day in India across all languages, according to The film made Rs 75 crore on its first day of release (Hindi: Rs 65.5 crore, Tamil: Rs 5.5 crore, Telugu: Rs 4 crore), and Rs 53.23 crore on its second day (Hindi: Rs 46.23 crore, Tamil: Rs 3.87 crore, Telugu: Rs 3.13 crore). 'Jawan' earned Rs 74.5 crore (Rs 66 crore in Hindi, Rs 5 crore in Tamil, and Rs 3.5 crore in Telugu) on Saturday, the third day of release. The movie generated Rs 202.73 crores so far (Hindi: Rs 177.73 crore, Tamil: Rs 14.37 crore, and Telugu: Rs 10.63 crores).
The ABP Live review of Jawan stated, “Atlee, who has also written 'Jawan', writes a formidable screenplay and manages to execute it. Despite the awe in action, dance, drama, and a surprise element every 20 minutes into 'Jawan', one does tire out towards the latter half of the film. The edit in that case and the screenplay could have compromised many extra minutes on star power, songs, and shots of SRK smoking a cigar. That also reminds me of Shah Rukh Khan lighting his cigar with the spark of his boots as a precursor to one of the greatest action sequences of all time in Indian cinematic history.”
Nayanthara, Vijay Sethupathi, Sanya Malhotra, Deepika Padukone, Ridhi Dogra, Priyamani, Sunil Grover, and Sanjay Dutt are among the notable actors who appear in Atlee's 'Jawan'. Red Chillies Entertainment, which is owned by Shah Rukh and Gauri, produced it. It is currently screened in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu theatres.
ALSO READ: Netizens Allege Shah Rukh Khan Starrer Jawan Is Rip-Off Of 1989 Tamil Film Thaai Naadu