A source confirmed ABP that the news of Javed Akhtar filing the defamation case is true. The ‘Tanu Weds Manu Returns’ actress has been accused of blaming the lyricist for not saying anything against Hrithik Roshan. Kangana also alleged Javed Akhtar for threatening her to keep quiet and ask for forgiveness from the ‘Roshans’ as they are very powerful.
Kangana Ranaut & Sister Rangoli Summoned By Mumbai Police On November 10 Over Controversial Social Media Post
Kangana Ranaut was quoted saying by a portal, “Once Javed Akhtar called me at his house and said that 'Rakesh Roshan and his family are very big people. If you do not apologize to them, then you will not be anywhere. They will put in jail and then there will be no other way except for your ruin… you will have to commit suicide. These were his words. Why do they think that if I do not apologize to Hrithik Roshan, I will have to commit suicide? They screamed and shouted at me so loudly that my legs started shivering.”
The ’Tejas’ actress has repeatedly alleged Javed Akhtar for the mentioned reasons. Not only this, Kangana's sister and her manager Rangoli have also accused Javed Akhtar by quoting Kangana through social media posts.
We tried to reach out to both Javed Akhtar and Kangana Ranaut to get a response in this matter, but till now there has been no response from both of them.
Court Orders Probe Against Kangana Ranaut, Sister Rangoli Chandel Over Social Media Posts
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