New Delhi: After the alleged drugs chat exchanged on 2017 between Deepika Padukone and her manager Karishma Prakash came to light, both of them were questioned by the NCB last month. In the latest development, the Narcotics Control Bureau told the court in Mumbai that they will not take any coercive action against Karishma Prakash reportedly.

NCB Raids Deepika Padukone’s Manager’s House, Finds Charas And CBD Oil; Karishma Prakash ‘Untraceable’: Report

According to a report of PTI, the agency told the court in Mumbai that they will not take any ‘coercive action’ against Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone’s manager Karishma Prakash till November 7.

PTI tweeted, “Narcotics Control Bureau tells court in Mumbai that it will not take any 'coercive action' against actor Deepika Padukone's manager Karishma Prakash in Bollywood-drugs case till November 7”

A few days back, the NCB also raided Karishma’s Versova residence and recovered 1.7 grams of charas and at least 2 bottles of CBD oil, said a report of Indian Express. Prakash has earlier been interrogated by the NCB in connection with FIR registered in the Sushant Singh Rajput death case.

An NCB official told the publication, “Prakash’s name cropped up during the questioning of one of the paddlers arrested by us in the case in which we are looking to bust drug networks around Bollywood, Based on the information, we raided her residence today. We found 1.7 grams of charas and at least two bottles of CBD oil.”

Further adding that Deepika’s manager Karishma has violated sections of the NDPS Act, the official revealed that there is nothing which is linking the ‘Finding Fanny’ actress to the case.

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