New Delhi:They are unarguably the first family of Hollywood. Academy award-winning couple Michael Douglas and wife Catherine Zeta-Jones was in the city to meet their friend, entertainment and sports guru Shailendra Singh. Singh has known Michael for close to two decades. The two go back a long way. While Michael has been to India before, it was Catherine’s first visit to Mumbai.

Singh ensured the couple, especially Catherine got a feel of the maximum city taking her to iconic South Mumbai places and ending the day with an intimate dinner at Singh's Worli residence with his family.

Shailendra Singh while reluctant to share too many details on what he called a very private trip said, “Michael and I have been friends for the past 15 years. The couple has an infectious energy and an outlook on life that is extremely inspirational. Seeing their unpretentiousness humbles you and makes you introspect. They wanted it to be their private time in Mumbai. Honestly, it was just family time and letting them connect with the city."

Michael and Singh were supposed to collaborate on a film called Racing the Monsoon which was set in India. While the film didn't get made, they two have continued to keep in touch.

The trio went to Gateway of India, Dhobi Ghat and the Babulnath temple where they did a special aarti.

The Hollywood couple headed to Shailendra’s home in the evening for some home-cooked dinner, Sufi music and gazing of the decade’s last full moon from the terrace. Shailendra Singh flew down his favorite singer/santoor player to perform for the couple.