Mumbai : The European Union on Friday felicitated veteran actor Amitabh Bachchan with a Citation. Amitabh took to his blog on Friday night to share a few photographs from the Europe Day celebration in Mumbai.
"A decoration again. From the EU, the European Union on Europe Day celebration, to felicitate me with a Citation. Humbling and gratified," Amitabh wrote.
"Such is the nature of these events that are most humbling and filled with gratitude. It makes me want to run away from it all, but certain obligations need to be accepted. And so I did," he added.
Amitabh was joined by his daughter Shweta Nanda at the event.
"Far too much attention is given and I find it difficult to digest or accept what is written and said. I am least deserving, and most unworthy of such, but they insist and I comply. But EU is a robust institution and when they decorate they do so after much consideration... I am most obliged and thankful," Amitabh added.
The EU Ambassador to India, Tomasz Kozlowski, also took to Twitter to thank Amitabh for gracing the event.
"Thank you shri Amitabh Bachchan for being Guest of Honour at Europe Day in Mumbai! It was occasion to facilitate Mr Bachchan for his artistic achievements and extraordinary contribution to building cultural bridges between Europe and India," he tweeted.


In another post, Kozlowski wrote: "Real pleasure and honour to have opportunity to meet Shri Amitabh Bachchan, the most famous Indian cinema artist, known and popular also in Europe."

Meanwhile, Amitabh also shared on his blog that he in 2019 he will complete 50 years in the Indian film industry. (ANI)