Dharmendra and Hema Malini's dancer-actress daughter Esha Deol just announced her second pregnancy with a picture of her 1 year 3 months old daughter Radhya Takhtani and captioning it - "Im being promoted to big sister". Esha's first child, daughter Radhya was born to her and husband Bharat Takhtani on 20th October 2017, five years after their marriage on 29th June 2012.

Here's the cute picture of Radhya as she is all set to be "big sister".

Esha posted this pic an hour ago on Instagram and the celebrity friends turned up to send congratulatory messages her way.

Actor Rohit Roy writes: "Wooohoooooo... congrates guys"

Actress Celina Jaitley writes: "No words... so happppppy for you and @bharattakhtani3 & Radhya xxhugsxx"

Celebrities congratulate Esha Deol

We extend our heartiest congratulations to Esha!

ALSO MUST SEETHIS pic of Esha Deol’s daughter Radhya looking at Aishwarya is the CUTEST thing you see from Aaradhya Bachchan's Birthday bash!