Actor Kangana Ranaut on Friday said that her upcoming film ‘Emergency’ has not yet got a censor certificate. The actress posted a video on X and claimed that despite her film receiving clearance from the CBFC, her film's certification has been put on hold as members of the censor board have been receiving threats. The film is scheduled to release on September 6.

Kangana Ranaut says censor board is being threatened

Kangana took to X and said in Hindi, "There's a lot of rumours going around that our film 'Emergency' has received the censor certificate, but that is not true. Our film was cleared, but its certification has been halted because there are a lot of threats coming in. The censor board is receiving numerous threats. We are under pressure not to show Indira Gandhi's assassination, not to show Bhindranwale, and not to show the Punjab riots. I don't know what we are supposed to show then, that the film suddenly blacks out? This is an unbelievable time for me, and I am very sorry for the state of things in the country."

Kangana says she is ready to go to court

Earlier in an interview with IANS, Kangana said, "There are a lot of issues with the censor. I was very confident that I would get the certification, but now they are withholding my certificate. It's getting too late. I hope the film releases on time. If not, I am ready to fight for it, even if it means going to court. I am determined to protect my rights as an individual. You can't change history or intimidate us with threats."

Also read: Kangana Ranaut Compares Her Film 'Emergency' To Nolan's 'Oppenheimer' & Shakespearean Tragedy Macbeth

"We have to show history"

She emphasised the importance of portraying historical events accurately, saying, "We have to show history. An almost 70-year-old woman was shot 30-35 times in her house. Someone must have killed her. Now, if you want to show it, do it, because apparently, you think you can hurt someone. But you have to show history. So how did she die?" Kangana added sarcastically, "So I said, let's put a plate on the wall saying she died because she was shot in the sky. If they are going to suppress the voice of an artist and my creative liberty... some people have wielded their guns, and we are not afraid of guns." 

About Emergency

'Emergency' is a biographical political film, focussing the 21-month period from 1975 to 1977 when the late Prime Minister Indira Gandhi imposed a state of emergency across India. The film also stars Anupam Kher, Shreyas Talpade, Vishak Nair, Mahima Chaudhry, Milind Soman and Satish Kaushik in pivotal roles.