New Delhi: Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone, who has been summoned by the Narcotics Control Bureau, arrived at the Goa airport a few minutes back. The ‘Padmaavat’ actress is expected to reach Mumbai airport at around 9-9:30pm. Deepika was accompanied by her husband Ranveer Singh, who flew to Goa from Bengaluru. The 'Chhapaak' actress will appear before the NCB for interrogation on Saturday (September 26). She was earlier supposed to join the investigation on Friday.

Also READ| Bollywood Drug Case: After Deepika Padukone, Four Male Actors Under NCB Scanner, Jaya Saha Names More A-Listers During Questioning!   

Deepika Padukone's name emerged in the Bollywood drugs nexus case after her WhatsApp chats with her manager Karishma Prakash came to the fore during the investigation. In the chats, DP can be seen allegedly asking for ‘maal’ and ‘hash’ from Prakash.

Deepika and Ranveer, who tied the knot in November 2018, were sported wearing masks as a precautionary measure against COVID-19. The NCB officials will grill the Bollywood diva in connection the with drugs probe on Saturday. According to reports, the 'Piku' actress has sought legal advice for her lawyers after receiving the summon

The NCB has also issued summons to Sara Ali Khan, Shraddha Kapoor and Rakul Preet Singh. While Sara and Shraddha will join the investigation on September 26, Rakul and Deepika's manager Karishma Prakash have been asked to appear for the federal agency on September 25.

Karishma Prakash had earlier sought an exemption from NCB's probe on grounds of ill health. She will now appear before the drugs law enforcement agency on Friday.

Talking about Deepika Padukone, the 'Om Shanti Om' actress was shooting for her upcoming film in Goa when the NCB issued the summon. The Shakun Batra directorial also stars Ananya Panday and Siddhant Chaturvedi.

UPDATE| FIRST PIC: Deepika Padukone & Ranveer Singh Arrive At Mumbai Airport, Actress To Appear Before NCB On Sept 26