During the shooting of ‘Dil Bechara’, Sushant Singh Rajput was allegedly charged with sexual misconduct charges by his co-star Sanjana Sanghi. Though the actress later brushed off the allegations by putting up a statement on her social media revealing that ‘no such incident took place’, Rajput fell a prey to the #MeToo movement in 2018 and was being defamed by many. Also, people close to the actor said that this incident took a toll on him.

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Kangana Ranaut, after targeting Taapsee Pannu and Swara Bhasker in her recent interview by calling them ‘needy outsiders’ now questioned Sanjana regarding the #MeToo allegations against Sushant. The ‘Panga’ actress’ digital team dug out an old article and claimed that many blind articles have been written against Sushant. The tweet further went on to target Sanghi and put forth a question as to why she took so long to clarify the incidents.

The tweet read, “Many blinds claimed that Sushant raped Sanjana, such news abt her harassment wr common in those days, Why Sanjana took her own sweet time to clarify? Why she nvr spoke so passionately abt her friendship with him when he ws alive? @mumbaipolice cn investigate”

Reacting to this, ‘Kizie’ aka Sanjana Sanghi said that ‘nobody is in authority to decide what’s late and what’s not’. In her latest interview with Zoom TV, the actress said, “I have said more than enough about what happened. Also, I’ve given a clarification which should have been enough. At that time, it wasn’t late, nobody is in authority to decide what’s late and what’s not. You don’t fuel rumors. It is not the responsibility or job to clarify rumors. So, we shouldn’t disregard the #MeToo movement by calling it “Me Too” because Me Too is when there’s an actual issue. But when two people are trying to say there’s no issue, that’s not called the Me Too movement that’s rumour mockery and that shows the power of unethical reporting.”

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She went on adding, “I am a student of journalism, I’ve studied at Delhi University and that’s not the journalism I was taught. So, I don’t see it as the Me Too movement. For me apparently getting late in giving clarification for rumours, but I did it still because it was important for us, Sushant and Me.”

Meanwhile, Sanjana’s debut movie as the female lead ‘Dil Bechara’ is winning hearts and has been released on the OTT platform Disney+Hotstar on Friday. Fans of Sushant Singh Rajput from around the globe have been praising both the late actor and Sanghi for their tremendous performances.