New Delhi: ‘Dil Bechara’ will mark Sushant Singh Rajput’s last on-screen appearance and debut for Mukesh Chhabra as a director. Though the movie buffs are waiting to see the actor spill magic on screen, many are still not able to come in terms with the actor’s demise. The late actor’s friend and director Mukesh Chhabra is one of them. The director keeps on sharing memories of Sushant from his Instagram account and has also uploaded his profile picture with Sushant. The movie also stars Sanjana Sanghi, Swastika Mukherjee, Jaaved Jaaferi, Milind Gunaji and Sahil Vaid. The audience will see Saif Ali Khan making a special appearance in the movie.

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A few days before the release of the movie, Mukesh Chhabra spoke about many things in a Twitter question-answer session with Filmfare’s Raghuvendra Singh. When the director was asked if Sushant had watched ‘Dil Bechara’, he wrote that the actor had watched the film while he was dubbing for it but sadly couldn’t watch the final film.

He also revealed his dream of bringing Sushant and Ansel Elgort on stage together during the trailer launch of the film and how he promised Sushant of the same.

Mukesh Chhabra is finding it hard to reflect on his feelings with the release of ‘Dil Bechara’. Though the movie is his directorial debut, he is finding it hard to be happy without Sushant by his side.

Also READ: Sushant Singh Rajput’s ‘Dil Bechara’ Actress Sanjana Sanghi Writes Emotional Note A Month After His Death, ‘Whoever Said Time Helps Heal All Wounds, Was Lying’

The trailer of ‘Dil Bechara’ released on 6th July 2020 and the movie will premiere on Disney+Hotstar from 24th July 2020.