The 73-year-old actor recently tweeted a collage of pictures, showing him and the khildaki kumar and captioned it as, "T 2259 -15 YEARS of my film 'Ek Rishta' .. !! Akshay and Me first film."
He also shares snaps from his 1984 movie, writing, "T 2259 - And 32 years ...!! of my film 'Sharabi' .. amazing moments and times !! Abhishek on set."
Notably, Amitabh and Akshay had starred together in flicks like 'Aankhen,' 'Khakee', 'Ab Tumhare Hawale Watan Saathiyo,' and 'Family.'
On the professional front, Big B will be next seen in ' TE3N' which is slated to hit the theatres on June 10.