Mumbai: The Bombay High Court on Saturday (November 20) released its detailed order following the grant of bail to Shah Rukh Khan's son Aryan Khan, Arbaaz Seth Merchant and Munmun Dhamecha in connection with the drugs on cruise ship case. The HC noted that there is no material on record to infer that the trio hatched any criminal conspiracy. 

What Bombay HC Said In Its 14-Page Order?

"No material on record to infer that Applicants hatched conspiracy to commit offence. At this stage, difficult to infer that Applicants are involved in offence of commercial quantity," Bombay HC Justice NW Sambre said in the detailed bail order.

 The court said that there was no ‘positive evidence’ to convince that the accused agreed to commit unlawful act with a ’common intention’, according to a report in ANI.  It added that merely because Aryan, Munmun and Abaaz were travelling on the same cruise cannot be grounds for invoking the provisions of Section 29 against the trio.


WhatsApp Chats Extracted From Aryan Khan's Phone Show 'Nothing Objectionable': Bombay HC 

"Court of opinion that claim put forth by Respondent that Applicants should be considered to have intention to commit an offence under NDPS Act, having found in possession of commercial quantity, in backdrop of case of hatching conspiracy is liable to be rejected," Sambre explained court's justification behind the bail of Aryan, Munmun and Arbaaz.


Sambre noted that the nothing ‘objectionable’ could be noticed after investigating Aryan Khan’s WhatsApp chats, which suggest that he and Arbaaz, or all three, along with other accused ‘hatched any conspiracy’ as alleged by the Narcotics Control Bureau. 


The 14-page bail order said that the investigation carried out till date suggested that Aryan and Arbaaz were 'travelling independently' of Munmun and 'there was no meeting of minds' on the alleged offence, as per a report in PTI.

Why Was Aryan Khan Arrested?

Last month, Aryan, Arbaz and Munmun were detained and later arrested followed NCB’s raid on a Mumbai-Goa bound luxury cruise. The trio was booked under relevant sections of the NDPS Act for possession, sale and purchase of banned substances.

Aryan walked out of Mumbai’s Arthur Road Central Jail after spending 22 days behind the bars. The Bombay High Court had granted bail to Khan on a personal bond of Rs 1 lakh. He was also directed to surrender his passport before the court. As per his bail order conditions, he has to inform the NCB investigating officer if he intends to leave Mumbai. 

Check OUT- Aryan Khan Arrives At NCB Office To Mark Attendance As Per Bail Condition- See Pics

Aryan visited the NCB office on Friday (November 19) as his bail order requires him to mark his presence before the officials every Friday between 11am-2pm.

(With inputs from agencies)