Mumbai: Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan's son Aryan Khan, Arbaz Seth Merchant and Munmun Dhamecha, who were arrested in connection with a raid at an alleged rave party on a cruise, were produced before a magistrate court in Mumbai on Monday (October 4). The Narcotics Control Bureau has booked the three under various section of the NDPS Act for consumption and purchase of banned drugs, as per a report in IANS.
NCB Seeks Custody Of Aryan Till Oct 11 In Rave Party Case
Additional Solicitor General Anil Singh, who appeared for the NCB, sought custody of Aryan, Munmun and Arbaz till October 11. He requested for extended custody and said that the NCB needed to verify the facts and links related to the case.
“In a society, youngsters are worst affected by the drug menace. We have also intercepted the party organisers,” Anil Singh was quoted as saying by ANI.
The NCB sought further custody of the trio till October 11 on the ground that the officials wanted to confront all the accused in the case with each other.
Code Words Were Used To Purchase Drugs: ASG
ASG said that WhatsApp chats between Aryan and drug peddlers showed discussion on purchase of drugs. He added that the payment was made in cash. Singh also said that Aryan used ‘code words’ while talking with the drug peddlers on WhatsApp.
Satish Maneshinde, who appeared for Aryan Khan, contended before the court that no substance was seized from him, which is in contravention of the NDPS Act. He added that the anti-drugs law enforcement agency couldn’t rely on the WhatsApp chats as no drugs were found from Aryan.
Maneshinde, who represented Rhea Chakraborty in Sushant Singh Rajput's case, said that if his client was released on bail, then he would be available to join NCB's investigation in the case.
Aryan Khan's advocate opposed NCB's demand and argued that the star kid had no criminal antecedents. He said that Aryan didn't run away from the NCB officials when they conducted a raid and allowed them to search him, as per PTI.
BIG Update | Cruise Ship Case: Mumbai Court Extends NCB Custody Of Aryan Khan, Arbaz Merchant & Munmun Dhamecha Till Oct 7
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