Mumbai: A Mumbai Esplanade Court has sent Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan's son Aryan Khan, Arbaz Seth Merchant and Munmun Dhamecha to NCB custody till October 7 in drugs case, a report in ANI said. The court rejected their plea for bail and extended their NCB's custody for another three days.

Court Sends Aryan Khan, Two Others To NCB Custody Till October 7

The Narcotics Control Bureau had arrested Aryan and the two in connection with a raid at an alleged rave party on a luxury cruise. Aryan, Arbaz and Munmun, who are among the eight people arrested in the alleged drugs case, were produced before a court in Mumbai on Monday (October 4) after their one-day custody given to the NCB ended.

Also READ: Mumbai Rave Party Case: Aryan Khan's Lawyer Says 'NCB Can't Rely On WhatsApp Chats'. Here's What Happened In Court

The court sent the three accused to NCB custody after hearing the arguments between the NCB lawyers and advocates of the trio for several hours.

Additional Solicitor General Anil Singh, who appeared for the NCB, had sought their custody till October 11. He said that the federal agency needed to verify the facts and links related to the case.  

According to a report in PTI, Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate R M Nerlikar said that the probe in the case is of 'prime importance' and keeping in mind this aspect, the presence of the accused before the Narcotics Control Bureau is necessary.

Other Accused In Cruise Ship Case Also Sent To NCB Custody

The federal agency sought a nine-day custody of the other five accused in the alleged Mumbai rave party case, as per ANI.  The five accused- Nupur Sarika, Ismeet Singh, Mohak Jaswal, Vikrant Chhoker and Gomit Chopra, who were arrested Sunday (October 3), have also been sent to NCB custody till October 7.

What Aryan Khan's Lawyer Said In Court

Advocate Satish Maneshinde, who represented Aryan Khan, said that the NCB couldn't rely on WhatsApp Chats to arrest his client. Satish added that Aryan was invited for the cruise party and had no ticket and boarding pass. He said that no drugs was found from him during the raid.

Aryan, Arbaz and Munmun were earlier detained by the NCB after the officials conducted a raid at a Mumbai-Goa crusise. According to a report in PTI, the anti-drugs law enforcement agency recovered drugs from the cruise. A magistrate court had earlier sent the trio to an NCB custody till October 4.

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