Mumbai: Bollywood actor Arjun Rampal, who is busy shooting for his new project in London, issued a statement after the Narcotics Control Bureau arrested his girlfriend Gabriella's brother Agisilaos Demetriades in Goa. The ‘Rock On’ actor said that he is ‘shocked’ and ‘taken back’ with the development. Rampal said that he and his family members are ‘law-abiding’ citizens and requested the media to not attach his and Gabriella’s name to ‘something they nothing to do with’. 

Arjun Rampal's Statement On NCB Arresting His Partner's Brother

The 'Om Shanti Om' star said that he has faith on the Indian legal system and will let law take its course. He urged the public and media to 'be honest and sensitive' in the matter.

"I'm as shocked and taken aback as you are with this latest development today. It's unfortunate that my name is being unnecessarily dragged in every publication though I have no association whatsoever. As far as my family and I are concerned, my direct family and I are law-abiding citizens. And while the incident involves a person who is a relative of my partner, I have no other connection or relationship other than that with this person. I request the media to not make headlines using my name as we are NOT related and this is causing hurt and confusion for my own family and the people I have a professional relationship with," his statement read.

"I have faith in our legal system and  whoever is on the wrong side on the law, should be treated as the judiciary deems fit. My trust is in the system in these matters. Let the law take its course and kindly refrain from attaching my partner's and my name to something we have nothing to do with. I appreciate all your support and humbly request you to be honest and sensitive in this regard," Arjun further said in his statement.

Why Was Agisilaos Demetriades Arrested?

The Narcotics Control Bureau arrested the South African national in connection with a drugs case on September 25 in Goa. He has been arrested for the third time in two years for possession of drugs, a NCB official told IANS.

The NCB teams from Mumbai and Goa conducted a joint operation during which they seized charas from him. 

Full Report: Sushant Singh Rajput Death Case: NCB Arrests Arjun Rampal’s Girlfriend Gabriella Demetriades’ Brother

Gabriella and Arjun are live-in partners. They have a two-year-old son, Arik Rampal, who was born in July 2019. The South African model and designer owns the fashion label ‘Deme Love’. 

On the professional front, Rampal will be next seen in 'Dhaakad'. The spy thriller stars Kangana Ranaut in a lead role.

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