Mumbai: Veteran Bollywood actor Anupam Kher took to social media to squash rumour about his wife Kirron Kher’s health. The ‘Saaransh’ actor requested the people to not spread negative news while sharing an update about Kirron on Twitter. He added that Kirron took her second jab of Coronavirus vaccine on Friday (May 7) afternoon.

“There is a rumour going around about #Kirron’s health. It is all false. She is doing absolutely fine. In fact she got her 2nd vaccination done for COVID this afternoon. I will request people not to spread such negative news. Thanks. Stay safe,” Anupam tweeted.  

Also READ: Anupam Kher Confirms Wife Kirron Kher Is Suffering From Blood Cancer

Anupam had earlier posted photos from the vaccination centre to inform that his family members have received their second dose of COVID-19 vaccine. He also shared a photo of Kirron wherein she can be seen posing after taking her second shot of vaccine.

"We got our 2nd vaccination done. Thank you #SisterAnnie #DrAfsa and @nanavatihospital for making it possible. Mom was the bravest. Chanting #OmNamahShivay helped me and hopefully @kirronkhermp bhabhi @kherreema and brother @rajukherofficial also," he wrote.

(swipe to see the pictures)

Last month, Anupam Kher shared a long post to confirm that his wife and BJP leader Kirron Kher is battling blood cancer. He informed that the ‘Devdas’ actress is undergoing treatment for multiple myeloma. The 'Hum Aapke Hain Kaun' star thanked his fans for the support and prayers in his post. 

Also READ: Kirron Kher Diagnosed With Blood Cancer; Bigg Boss 14's Kavita Kaushik Reveals Her Father Also Had Multiple Myeloma, Offers Help To Anupam Kher

“She is currently undergoing treatment and we are sure she will come out of this stronger than before. We are very blessed that she is being looked after by a phenomenal set of doctors. She's always been a fighter and takes things head on,” Anupam Kher said in a statement. 

Anupam Kher bagged the award in the category of Best Actor at the New York City International Film Festival for the short film 'Happy Birthday'. Kirron congratulated her husband on winning the trophy on Twitter. "Congratulations dear @AnupamPKher. Proud of you," she wrote on the micro-blogging site.

Kirron, who has featured in several films like 'Dostana', 'Veer Zara' and 'Om Shanti Om', was elected as a MP for the second time in Chandigarh in 2019. The 68-year-old actress has continued to remain active in showbiz despite joining politics.

Kirron has judged several seasons of Colors TV's ‘India’s Got Talent’ along with Karan Johar and Malaika Arora.