Mumbai: Bollywood superstar Akshay Kumar on Monday took to Twitter to clarify that he had earlier "accidentally" liked a tweet by Jamia Millia Islamia University students. Even while several of his Bollywood colleagues lashed out at the authorities over the tension at Delhi's Jamia Millia Islamia University, Akshay Kumar landed himself in a soup by liking a video that mocked the attack on Jamia. When checked minutes later, it appeared that it has been 'unliked'.

The superstar then tweeted: "Regarding the ‘like' on the tweet of Jamia Milia students, it was by mistake. I was scrolling and accidentally it must have been pressed and when I realised I immediately unliked it as In no way do I support such acts."

Take a look at his post below:

The actor was immediately trolled for his tweet.

One user commented on his tweet, "Are we Fools ?? U could have Unliked in few Seconds but u did this after a While ......... Don't try to Foll.. "

Another sarcastic comment reads, "The Accidental Nationalist..."

Another user trolled, "Yeah! Even accepting Canadian citizenship was by mistake! We understand you mr. Kumar thanks for clarification."

Whereas, Akshay Kumar's fans came out in his support. Check out few reactions below:

The amended Citizenship Act (CAA) seeks to grant Indian citizenship to refugees from Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Parsi and Christian communities coming from neighboring countries like Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh.

Protests against CAA continued in different parts of the country including Delhi, Assam, Hyderabad, Aligarh and Kolkata.