New Delhi: Bollywood actor Anil Kapoor took to social media to issue an apology to the Indian Air Force after it raised objection to a promo of Netflix's new film 'AK vs AK'. The IAF expressed its displeasure over the 'inaccurately donned uniform' and 'inappropriate language' used in one of the promotional clips and asked the makers to withdraw the related scenes. Anil offered his apology for 'unintentionally hurting sentiments' and tagged the official handle of IAF while sharing a video on Twitter.

Also READ: IAF Calls Out Makers Of 'AK Vs AK', Asks Them To Withdraw Scenes

Anil Kapoor Issues Statement After 'AK vs AK' Lands In controversy

"It has come to my attention that the trailer of my new film AK vs AK has offended some people. As I am wearing the Indian Air Force uniform while using unparliamentary language, I would like to sincerely offer my humble apologies for unintentionally hurting sentiments. I just like to supply some context to hopefully help you understand how things came to be this way. My character in the film is in uniform because he is an actor, playing the role of an officer, when he finds out that his daughter has been kidnapped," the 'Mr. India' actor said in a video message.

"It was never my intent or the intent of the filmmakers to disrespect the Indian Air Force. I always had the utmost respect and gratitude for the selfless service of all our all defense personnel. I truly apologize for unintentionally hurting anyone's sentiments," Kapoor further added.

Netflix Apologizes To Indian Air Force

The leading OTT platform also issued a statement and clarified that Anil and Kashyap are 'playing themselves' as actors and they don't represent the IAF.

"Hon. @IAF_MCC, our intention would never be to disrespect the Armed Forces of India in any regard. AK Vs. AK is a film in which Anil Kapoor and his co-stars are playing themselves as actors," the tweet on Netflix's Twitter handle read.

"At no point does the film represent the Indian Air Force or our Armed Forces. We have nothing but the highest respect for the brave people protecting our nation," the streaming giant further said in its statement.

Why Did IAF Object To The Scene 'AK Vs AK'?

The Indian Air Force called out the makers of 'AK vs AK' for 'wrong use of uniform' and 'inappropriate language' in the promotional clip shared by Anil Kapoor. In the film's trailer, the 63-year-actor was seen on the sets of another film for which he donned the IAF uniform.

The official handle of IAF tweeted, "The IAF uniform in this video is inaccurately donned & the language used is inappropriate. This does not conform to the behavioural norms of those in the Armed Forces of India. The related scenes need to be withdrawn."

'AK vs AK' will premiere on Netflix on December 24. The film has been directed by Vikramaditya Motwane. The trailer of 'AK vs AK' was unveiled on December 7, a day after Anil Kapoor and Anurag Kashyap engaged in a war of words on Twitter. Their 'feud' turned out to be a promotional gimmick for the Netflix original.

Also READ: AK Vs AK Co-Stars Anil Kapoor & Anurag Kashyap's 'Twitter War' Leaves Fans Confused

The synopsis for 'AK vs AK' on Netflix's website reads, "A brash film director (Anurag Kashyap, as himself) kidnaps the daughter of a movie star (Anil Kapoor, as himself) and films the star’s desperate search for his daughter in real-time as his next blockbuster."

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