New Delhi: Bollywood actress Jacqueline Fernandez has been making the headlines after her name came up in the money laundering case against conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar. According to the latest update, the ‘Ram Setu’ actress has been stopped at the airport by the Enforcement Directorate (ED). Jacqueline has been reportedly stopped from leaving the country amid the investigation of the alleged Rs 200 crore extortion case involving conman Sukesh Chandrasekhar. A case has been registered against the actress in Enforcement Directorate in Delhi. 

According to a report of NDTV, Jacqueline Fernandez, who was leaving India for a show in Dubai, was ‘stopped at the Mumbai Airport by immigration officials due to a LOC (Look Out Circular)’. The report further added that the actress will now be brought to Delhi for her questioning.

Jacqueline’s name popped up while investigating conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar’s alleged Rs 200 crore money laundering case. The actress’ name came up as the conman gifted her expensive gifts. Actress Nora Fatehi’s name also popped up in this alleged case. Both of them have been questioned by the ED.

Nora Fatehi’s team released a statement denying her involvement in the case. The statement read, “On behalf of Nora Fatehi, we would like to clarify the various conjectures floating around amongst the media. Nora Fatehi has been the victim around the case and being a witness, she is co-operating and helping the officers in the investigation. We would like to make it very clear that she has not been a part of any money laundering activity, she does not know or have any personal connection with the accused and has been called by ED to strictly help with the investigation.”

Meanwhile, speaking about Jacqueline’s upcoming movies, she will be next seen featuring in Ram Setu’, ‘Bachchan Pandey’, ‘Cirkus’, ‘Vikrant Rona’ and ‘Hari Hara Veera Mallu’.

ALSO READ | Jacqueline Fernandez’s Spokesperson Issues Statement Refuting Rumours About Dating Conman

Stay tuned for more updates.

(With inputs from ABP Correspondent Rounak Kukde).