New Delhi: BTS member Suga has been embroiled in controversy after being spotted riding an electric scooter while under the influence. South Korean public reacted strongly to the event that occurred on August 6th. The police called Suga as part of their investigation into his suspected DUI (Driving Under Influence); he later made many apologies, expressing guilt for his behaviour.

Despite the widespread criticism, Suga has a strong fan base backing him. In a recent event, pop artist PSY—who worked with Suga on the smash single ‘That That’—said,  "I'm incredibly thankful to Suga for creating and singing this song with me." 

Park Sohee Supports Suga 

Park Sohee, star of ‘Pachinko’, has also stepped out to support Suga at this difficult moment. Famous for his work on Lee Min Ho's ‘Pachinko’, writer Min Jin Lee posted a snapshot of Suga on her Instagram with a purple heart—a symbol of BTS. Like many of her followers, Pachinko actress Park Sohee replied to Min Jin's message with a purple heart.

ALSO READ: BTS Suga Will Leave The Group? HYBE Reacts After New CCTV Footage Revealed In Drunk Driving Case

Suga's Apology Note

Suga recently apologised to his followers for the DUI issue in a touching handwritten message posted on Weverse. He said, “Hello, I'm Suga. I would like to apologize again to you with shame. I deeply apologize for the disappointment and hurt for my misbehavior for my fans and everyone who loves me. I've made a big mistake forgetting the responsibility to repay you with actions worthy of love I've received.”

The post further reads, “On the night of August 6th, I made the mistake of driving to India on an electric scooter after drinking. Also, I'm sorry for the confusion caused for the first apology I hastily posted on the 7th. I should have thought more deeply and been careful, but I couldn't. It's all my fault. My carelessness is giving everyone who cares about me a hard time. I will try not to do anything wrong again and live with repentance.”