New Delhi: Gurmeet Choudhary and Debina Bonnerjee, two of India's most popular television actors, recently revealed that they were expecting their first child. 

On Wednesday, Debina disclosed that she is experiencing new symptoms as she reaches the third trimester of her pregnancy in a post on her Instagram. Debina Bonnerjee wrote a powerful and heartfelt post on her pregnancy experience, and it's one that every mother and prospective mother can relate to. 

Debina wrote, “Standing in the 3rd trimester … with a swollen feet … many toilet runs… constipated… leaking bouts with sneezes and caugh or even a hearty laugh… reminds me that I am pregnant… reminds me that this is real. … after so many years of no.. it is finally a YES. Behind all the happy dances and beautiful poses is an odd feeling… of experiencing pregnancy after trauma. A nagging shadow of fear and anxiety after Da initial excitement…. Each milestone each appointment bringing in new worries.”

She further added,  “Is my beta HCG Hi enough? Is it increasing at the desired rate? Is there heartbeat at the next ultrasound? Is the baby growing correctly? Are all the scans normal? Movements?”

The new trimester, according to the actress, has brought on new anxieties, but she remains appreciative of the sensation anyway. She concluded the note, writing, “I am forever grateful for this blessing. The anxiety the fear cannot overshadow my gratefulness ..Sharing my journey as joyfully as possible. What may… I am ready to overcome all the hurdles and meet you my baby #thoughts #overcome.” 

Gurmeet and Debina’s fans are excitedly awaiting the arrival of their first child.

ALSO READ: Mom-To-Be Debina Bonnerjee Slams Those Asking Inappropriate Questions To Pregnant Women