New Delhi: To ring in the new year, the Bachchan family took a break from Mumbai's hectic pace for a peaceful getaway. Following a short vacation, Abhishek Bachchan, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, and their daughter Aaradhya were seen making their way back to the city at the Mumbai airport on Saturday (January 4). 

As the three made their way through the airport, they exchanged warm New Year's greetings with the photographers. Footage captured by an Instagram paparazzo shows Abhishek striding ahead of Aishwarya and Aaradhya. Paparazzi wanted Abhishek to stop for pictures with Aishwarya as he walked to the car, but he persisted in going. Nevertheless, Aishwarya joyfully wished everyone a "Happy New Year."

After ensuring that Aishwarya and Aaradhya were situated comfortably, Abhishek then sat at the front.

Arriving at the airport, the family had an air of casual elegance. In contrast to Aishwarya's classic black sweatshirt and leggings, Abhishek wore a laid-back grey hoodie and black tracks. Aaradhya was seen smiling as she wore a blue sweater.

Watch the video here:

Aishwarya and Abhishek's divorce rumours

The couple's appearance together comes amidst ongoing divorce speculations. Aishwarya and Abhishek's marriage, which began in 2007, has been dogged by rumours of a divorce for the last several months. 

Fans' responses to their most recent appearance together have been all over the internet. One user even went so far as to ask, "Could they go any lower?" in reference to the divorce as a public relations gimmick, with one commenter wishing, "Both always be happy like this for your child." Another added, "Nice to see them as family."

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