A year has passed since Aamir Khan's daughter, Ira Khan, got married to her long-time boyfriend, Nupur Shikhare, in a small, close-knit ceremony. Ira marked the anniversary by posting an adorable anniversary note on Instagram with a caption, "Happy Anniversary, my love." 

Along with the post, she put up a few pictures where she is seen sporting a printed grey saree and jhumkas. Nupur complemented Ira's look by wearing a blue shirt, black dhoti, and a yellow jacket.

Ira Khan's post


Another one who took to social media to celebrate the special day was filmmaker Kiran Rao, who was earlier married to Aamir Khan. 

She posted a collage of moments from Ira and Nupur's wedding celebrations and captioned it, "A year since this crazy fun wedding.". Love you Ira Khan, Nupur Shikhare." 

The collage had a photograph of Ira and Nupur walking down the aisle during their Christian wedding ceremony, another of the newlyweds with their families- Aamir Khan, his ex-wife Reena Dutta, Kiran Rao, Azad, and Junaid Khan—and a final shot from their reception, where the couple posed alongside Aamir and Kiran Rao's son, Azad.

Ira Khan, Nupur Shikhare wedding

Ira Khan and Nupur Shikhare had registered their marriage on January 3, 2024. The groom caught the headlines after running 8 kilometers to the venue.

 In September 2022, when Nupur proposed to Ira in Italy, they finally started their life journey toward marriage. People noticed their tight bond and mutual happiness during the wedding and after that.