Shrima Rai, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan’s sister-in-law and a content creator, frequently shares reels featuring her husband, Aditya Rai, who is also Aishwarya’s brother. Recently, she faced trolling for a dancing video with her husband. Adding to the buzz, an old comment exchange between Shrima and an Instagram user has resurfaced, leading netizens to speculate about a strained relationship between her and Aishwarya.

Reddit post on Shrima Rai's old Instagram conversation

When a fan questioned why Shrima rarely posts pictures with Aishwarya or her daughter Aaradhya, Shrima replied, “You can head over to her page to find all the images of her... That should satisfy you.” Another follower remarked they didn’t realise Shrima was Aishwarya’s sister-in-law, to which she responded, “Good. I want you to see me for me.” 

The Reddit post that featured this interaction was posted with the caption, “So not Just ShwetDi, But Aishwarya Rai's Brother's wife also seems to dislike her.” This comment reignited rumours about Aishwarya Rai Bachchan’s strained relationships with her extended family. It has long been speculated that Shweta Bachchan Nanda, Abhishek Bachchan’s sister, also shares a tense relationship with Aishwarya. 

Netizens react

Reacting to Shrima Rai's remarks, one fan commented, "Weren't there rumours that she was misusing Aishwarya's name for some business deals and Aish found out, and all hell broke, plus her bro and his wife were not living with Aish's mother? They had some problems?" 

Another user praised Aishwarya for handling the situation gracefully, stating, "Whatever the fight may be, at least Aishwarya is classy in not washing their dirty laundry publicly like this or giving such intimate statements to random people in a comment section. She could have responded in a less crass manner, who snaps like a 5-year-old kindergartener." 

Adding to the discussion, a Reddit user concluded, "So, it’s not speculation, Ash is disliked by both Shweta and Shrima." 

Shrima got flowers from Shweta Bachchan

Recently Shrima was in the news after she shared an Instagram story featuring a bouquet of flowers sent by Shweta Bachchan Nanda, Aishwarya’s sister-in-law, and her husband, Nikhil Nanda. Accompanying the image, Shrima expressed her gratitude, writing, “Thank you, Nikhil Nanda and Shweta. This is stunning…”  

The gesture raised eyebrows, especially amidst ongoing rumours about discord within the Bachchan family. 

Also read: Amid Aishwarya-Abhishek Rift Rumours, Shweta Bachchan Makes Heartfelt Gesture For Aish's Sister-in-Law

The Bachchan family dynamics 

Rumours of discord between Aishwarya and Bachchan family first surfaced in July 2024 during Anant Ambani’s wedding, where Aishwarya and her daughter Aaradhya arrived separately, while the rest of the Bachchan family appeared together. Speculation gained traction when neither Abhishek nor the Bachchan family publicly wished Aishwarya on her birthday in November. 

Married since 2007, Aishwarya and Abhishek share a daughter, Aaradhya. 

Also read: Abhishek Bachchan Praises Wife Aishwarya Rai Bachchan Amid Divorce Rumour: 'I Thank Her Immensely'