New Delhi: News of actor Poonam Pandey’s death, which was shared on her official Instagram account, has shocked everyone from her fans to colleagues to netizens. The statement stated that the actor had died due to cervical cancer. Soon after the news, condolence messages started pouring in from her industry colleagues. Many internet users were sceptical about the death news and thought of it as some PR stunt. Her last Instagram post also made netizens doubt the authenticity of the news.
Four days before her death, Poonam Pandey shared a video from Goa on Instagram. In the video, she is dressed in a white and black outfit as she goes to a yacht. She captioned the video, “White and black: the yin and yang that balance my life.”
A user commented on the video, “How can this be possible if this is four days ago?????? How can she be dead suddenly (sic).”
Another user wrote, “Kaun kaun news dekh shock ho Gaya. Mujhe to fake lag raha hai😢”
On going through her Instagram posts, we saw a video with a similar outfit on a yacht in Goa. The video that she posted four days back was an old video from her New Year celebration in Goa.
The statement on Poonam’s Instagram handle read, “This morning is a tough one for us. Deeply saddened to inform you that we have lost our beloved Poonam to cervical cancer. Every living form that ever came in contact with her was met with pure love and kindness. In this time of grief, we would request for privacy while we remember her fondly for all that we shared.”
Poonam’s PR released a statement that read, “This is to place on record that we have received a call from her family member this morning regarding her sudden demise ( as posted on her official Insta ID)
We are awaiting further information from the family to update everyone. We will release an official statement as we receive further updates.”