New Delhi: Actress and director Nandita Das posted about how Cannes Film Festival has become too focused on glamour and fashion. That sparked a discussion over whether or not the right people were attending the Cannes. Nandita Das clarified in a new post that sparking a discussion was not the goal of her last post. The latest post, which is filled with beautiful pictures from her numerous appearances at the film festival, begins, "It seems my post about Cannes has sparked an unintended debate!" She said that the fact that a casual exchange of memories and ideas was interpreted as a "dig" is really funny.
Nandita updated her Instagram account with fresh photos from Cannes. Nandita Das is seen with various prominent celebrities, including Rasika Dugal, Nawazuddin Siddiqui, and Salma Hayek.
In the caption, she wrote: "It seems my post about Cannes has sparked an unintended debate!" It’s hilarious that a casual exchange of memories and ideas was seen as a slight. It's futile to point fingers at one another. There is always more depth to things than we first realise.
Nandita continued by saying that men don't feel nearly as much pressure as women do to worry about their appearance on these occasions. She said, “At such events, men have far less pressure about how they look. They can repeat their tuxedos, and no one will know or care. Whereas women have a much greater burden of looking beautiful, sexy, regal, stylish, stunning, unique etc. etc.”
Nandita then pleaded with her social media fans not to drag her into the controversy, claiming that her opinions are unbiased. Nandita also elaborated on why the Cannes Film Festival is so much more than just a movie festival.
Check out her post here: