Kangana Ranaut has never hesitated to take jabs at Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt, especially in her ongoing critique of Bollywood nepotism. Recently, she targeted Ranbir Kapoor’s upcoming film 'Animal' and made a surprising revelation: she turned down a role in 'Sanju', where Ranbir portrayed Sanjay Dutt. Despite Ranbir personally approaching her to join the cast of the Rajkumar Hirani hit, which also starred Anushka Sharma, Dia Mirza, and Sonam Kapoor, Kangana declined the offer.

Kangana Ranaut on rejecting role in Ranbir Kapoor film

During a conversation with Siddharth Kannan, Kangana shared that she has rejected offers from some of the biggest names in the industry. However, when asked if her public criticisms or rejections have strained her professional relationships, she confidently stated that they haven’t impacted her career at all.

The 'Emergency' actress said, "Ranbir himself came to my house and asked, 'Please take a role in 'Sanju'. I didn’t do it, but that doesn’t mean..."

What Kangana said about working with the Khans

In a recent interview with Raj Shamani, Kangana disclosed that she turned down films with all three Khans because she felt the roles offered to women wouldn’t be substantial. She also revealed that she has rejected endorsement deals worth ₹10-15 crores because they promoted fairness creams, which she considers racist.

Kangana emphasised, "I have turned down deals worth ₹10-15 crores because they endorse fairness creams. It's racist. I’ve been like this from the beginning, even before I was successful. I have turned down films with the Khans. But to be clear, all the Khans have been very kind and nice to me. There are people who’ve misbehaved with me, but the Khans were not among them."

Kangana Ranaut's work front

After back-to-back box-office debacles, Kangana Ranaut will next be seen in the political drama 'Emergency'. The film's trailer was released recently. Kangana will be seen essaying the role of Indian first woman Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.

'Emergency' also stars Shreyas Talpade, Anupam Kher, Mahima Chaudhary in key roles.

ALSO READ: Kangana Ranaut On Rejecting Films With Ranbir Kapoor, Akshay Kumar, The Khans: 'I Didn't Want To Be The Prototype'