Kangana Ranaut recently revealed that she turned down offers to star in films alongside Ranbir Kapoor and Akshay Kumar. The actress, known for not working with many A-list actors in Bollywood, shared that this was a deliberate choice to avoid collaborating with the Khans, Kumar, and Kapoor.

Kangana explained that her decision was driven by a desire to set an example for other actresses, proving that it’s possible to make a mark in Bollywood without being in films with Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan, Aamir Khan, Akshay Kumar, or Ranbir Kapoor.

Kangana Ranaut on not working with the Khans or Ranbir Kapoor

In a recent podcast, Kangana spoke candidly about her film choices, proudly noting that she has avoided working with the five A-listers. She highlighted that films starring these male stars often follow a formula where female characters are limited to just a few scenes and a couple of songs, a role she wasn’t interested in playing.

“I refused Khan-led films. All Khans are very nice to me, they are very kind to me, and they have never misbehaved with me. Yes, there are people who have misbehaved with me but Khans were not one of them. But I said no to their films because their films are prototypes wherein the heroine will have two scenes and one song. So I said I don’t want to do that. I want to be an example of a woman who is an A-lister, the top-most actor who has not worked with Khans,” Kangana shared during the podcast with Raj Shamani.

She further elaborated, “I wanted to do my best for women who were going to come after me and no Khans can make you successful, no Kumar can make you successful, no Kapoor can make you successful. I said no to Ranbir Kapoor’s films, I said no to Akshay Kumar’s films. I didn’t want to be the prototype that only a hero can make a heroine successful. Aisa nahi hai, you can be successful on your own as well. I set that example."

Kangana also advised newcomers to take on any good work that comes their way early in their careers, reserving activism for when they have more influence. 

Kangana Ranaut's work front

Following her breakthrough roles in 'Queen' and 'Tanu Weds Manu', Kangana has focused on female-centric films like 'Fashion' and 'Thalaivii', which did not feature an A-list Bollywood actor. She is now gearing up for her next project, 'Emergency', which she is also directing.


The film is based on the Emergency in India during the early 1980s, with Kangana portraying former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.

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