New Delhi: Ahead of the Ram Mandir inauguration ceremony, political leaders and celebrities have begun travelling to Ayodhya. The idol of Lord Ram Lalla will be put in the great temple during a consecration ceremony on January 22. Invitations to the event have been extended to well-known personalities in the sports and Bollywood industries. It is also anticipated that a number of A-list celebs will attend, including Amitabh Bachchan, Alia Bhatt, Ranbir Kapoor, and Ayushmann Khurrana. After arriving at Ayodhya, Kangana Ranaut participated in a special havan.

Taking to her social media handles, Kangana shared a series of pictures where she can be seen meeting Guru Rambhadracharya along with participating in a special havan. The actress looks beautiful decked up in a red banarasi saree and heavy traditional gold jewellery. Sharing the pictures, Kangana captioned it as, "आओ मेरे राम ।
आज परमपूजनीय श्री रामभद्राचार्य जी से भेंट हुई, उनका आशीर्वाद लिया।
उनके द्वारा आयोजित शास्त्रवत् सामूहिक हनुमान जी यज्ञ में भाग लिया।
अयोध्या धाम में श्री राम के स्वागत में सब राममयी हैं। कल अयोध्या के राजा लम्बे वनवास के बाद अपने घर आ रहे हैं ।
आओ मेरे राम, आओ मेरे राम 🚩 (Come my Ram.
Today I met the most revered Shri Rambhadracharya, took his blessings.
Participated in the Shastravat Collective Hanuman Ji Yagna organized by him.
Everyone is Rammayi in welcoming Shri Ram in Ayodhya Dham. Tomorrow the king of Ayodhya is coming home after a long exile.
Come my Ram, come my Ram 🚩)

Check out Kangana Ranaut's post here:


Later, a video of the actress sweeping the temple premises also went viral on social media. According to a video shared by ANI, Kangana can be seen sweeping the floor of the temple.

In another tweet by ANI, she talks about her feelings on reaching Ayodhya and said, "Ayodhya has been decorated like a bride. Bhajans and Yagya are being organised at several places. It feels like we have reached 'Dev Lok'...We cannot say anything about those who do not want to come...It feels really good to be in Ayodhya right now..."



Several other celebrities including Vivek Oberoi, Madhur Bhandarkar and Anupam Kher among others have reached Ayodhya ahead of the Ram Mandir consecration ceremony.