New Delhi: Bollywood actor Jackie Shroff has moved the Delhi High Court seeking protection of his personality and publicity rights. The suit has been filed against various entities using his name, photographs, voice and word "Bhidu" without his consent.
Jackie Shroff moves Delhi HC
As reported by Bar and Bench on Tuesday, Jackie had filed a lawsuit against several entities for unauthorized use of his name, photographs, voice, and his nickname, 'Bhidu,' without his consent. The case has been scheduled for a hearing tomorrow on Wednesday, May 15. The court will deliberate on the possibility of issuing an interim order following the hearing.
According to a tweet by Bar and Bench on the platform X, "His counsels also told the court that in some instances, offensive memes have been made using his images and that his voice has been misused for similar purposes as well. The Court was informed that in certain cases, pornographic material is being created using Shroff 's persona."
Check out the tweet here:
Other stars to seek personality rights
Similar instances of Bollywood actors seeking legal recourse to safeguard their personality rights have occurred in the past. Last year, Anil Kapoor also approached the court to secure protection for his personality rights. The actor achieved success in the case in January of this year. The victory entailed safeguarding his name, voice, image, likeness, manner of speaking, gestures, and even his iconic 'jhakaas' catchphrase.
In 2022, Amitabh Bachchan also moved the Delhi Court in a similar case, seeking protection of his name, image, voice, and personality attributes.