New Delhi: Pakistani actress Hania Aamir, who was last seen in the hit drama 'Kabhi Main Kabhi Tum', is off to a sensational start in 2025. The actress's spectacular performance at a close friend's wedding has gone viral online. Many Bollywood fans are in awe of Hania after seeing her dynamic and beautiful performances on hits like ‘Badi Mushkil’, ‘Chikni Chameli’ and ‘Do Dhari Talwar’.
Hania Aamir's performance was captivating, and her sea-green and golden lehenga just added to the awe of the audience. She went on to perform on the energetic Bollywood song ‘Jihne Mera Dil Luteya’, which calls for quick footwork and rhythm.
Hammad Shoaib, an actor from Pakistan, posted a video of Hania dancing to Badi Mushkil. Her expressions, confidence, and graceful movements made the performance even more captivating and the crowd couldn't help but cheer her on.
The dancing videos of Hania Aamir went viral, and her adoring followers took to social media to gush about her moves. "Hania Aamir always lights up any event!," said one ecstatic admirer. A fan also wrote, "Hania is so smooth on the dance floor, clearly loving every minute of it, and she looks stunning!"
Before this, the Pakistani actress was adored by many when her dance video to the Oscar-winning song 'Naacho Naacho' became viral online.