New Delhi: 'Adipurush' continues to face controversy and public outrage.Several celebrities and TV actors who have worked in Ramanand Sagar's 'Ramayana' have criticized the film for the portrayal of characters, screenplay and dialogues among other things. Many have not seen the film and have vouched that the feedback they have received from their friends and the public criticism has been enough to keep them at bay. Now, among them who have spoken poorly of Prabhas, Kriti Sanon starer, actor  Aashiesh Sharrma, who portrayed Rama on the small screen in 'Siya Ke Ram' series and Gajendra Chauhan, who played Yudhishthir in BR Chopra's 'Mahabharat' have expressed their views.

In an interaction with India Today, Gajendra Chauhan said, "I did not watch the film despite buying a ticket.” He added, “I had booked a ticket to watch this film, but for some reason, my conscience refused to accept that I should go and watch it in the theatre. In fact, after seeing everything in the trailers and short clips, I realized that this film is not worth watching. I don't want to compromise my beliefs. I want to see Lord Ram as Lord Shri Ram.”

When asked to comment on the dialogue change in 'Adipurush' post the backlash, Gajendra Chauhan said, "Look, the arrow has already been released from the bow. Whatever damage was supposed to happen has already happened. No matter how much you try to improve it, it won't change. It won't bring any benefit. People have already punished the filmmaker. Look at the collection on the first day and today. They deserve punishment, and they should be punished. I am even surprised by the decisions of the censor board. They should also be questioned. This film should not have been released at all. The entire film should be banned. The government should immediately put a stop to it."

Meanwhile, Aashiesh Sharrma, in an interview with Wion shared that the makers of 'Adipurush' cannot distort history or facts. "...if you're claiming that we are making it for Gen Z, then the responsibility is even bigger. You cannot distort history and facts. You have to be very, very authentic and honest in your depiction so that they can watch and learn from it. If you are distorting our history then it becomes a cultural crime for me."

Aashieish also slammed filmmakers for emulating the Western style of filmmaking. "I think our filmmakers are suffering from an inferiority complex. We have a colonized mindset. We feel shame in depicting our culture, our society the way it is and the way it has been. Rather than taking pride in it, we try to ape the Western style of filmmaking. I understand they are much more advanced in technology. So take the technology, use the resources, but tell an Indian story! Do not tell a Westernized version of an Indian story. Very few of our filmmakers have a truly India-rooted outlook towards our own culture and society. We do not make such brains right now. So it's really difficult to see authentic stuff right now." He told Wion.

Meanwhile, makers of ‘Adipurush’ changed certain dialogues of the film which were said to have hurt the sentiments of people.

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