New Delhi: Day 6 of Bigg Boss OTT 2 premiered just a few hours ago. A week has passed since the premiere of Salman Khan's OTT reality show. Viewers are captivated by the drama unfolding on the show, which includes everything from conflicts to newfound friendships. In the last episode, Bebika Dhurve, an actress and astrologer, explained why the show’s host Salman Khan hasn't found love yet. Bebika's face-reading session resulted in some heated disagreements with Abhishek Malhan and Jiya Shankar. Manisha Rani balanced between trying to comfort Bebika and Abhishek. 

Manisha Rani questioned Bebika Dhurve in a conversation whether Salman Khan had ever been the victim of romantic betrayal. Bebika quickly added, "Bhayankar wala (horrible)." She went on to explain why Salman Khan is still unmarried and provided details about the kind of woman he would want to settle down with. She said, "Salman is very ambitious and he possesses fabulous business skills." 

Bebika said, went on, saying, "Unhe ek gharlu ladki chaiye. Woh jitne rough lagte hai, andar se utne soft hai. Unhe chaiye koi jo ghar ko sambhale, maa-baap ki seva kare, aur jab woh ghar aaye toh 2 meethi baatein kar ke unke poore din ka tanaav door kar de (He wants a homely woman. He looks tough from outside, but he's a soft person from the inside. He wants a simple girl who loves to keep the house in order, will take care of his parents, and will make him feel loved when he comes home)." 

In the same episode, Bebika informs Manisha that Jiya Shankar and Palak Purswani probably had a fight because Palak stole Jiya's special person. She also labels Akanksha a gold digger and claims that she has previously fooled 3-4 men. 

Other than Bebika, the 'Bigg Boss OTT 2' has contestants like Pooja Bhatt, Avinash Sachdev, Palak Purswani, Manisha Rani, Falaq Naaz, Jad Hadud and Abhishek Malhan among others.

ALSO READ: Abhishek Malhan Aka Fukra Insaan On TV Actors In 'Bigg Boss OTT 2': 'TV Ka Zamana Gaya'