Bollywood actor Anupam Kher has responded humorously to the news of counterfeit currency featuring his face, which was recently seized in Gujarat. Ahmedabad Police recovered fake notes worth Rs 1.60 crore, and videos circulating on social media showed Rs 500 notes with Anupam's face in place of Mahatma Gandhi's, along with “Resole Bank of India” instead of the usual “Reserve Bank of India.”

Anupam Kher reacts to fake currency with his photo

Anupam shared a video of the news report about the recovery and jokingly remarked in Hindi, “Lo kar lo baat. My photo instead of Gandhiji’s on the five hundred rupee note???? Anything can happen!” His post quickly gained attention.


According to The Indian Express, the counterfeit notes came to light after Mehul Thakkar, the owner of a bullion firm, was duped out of Rs 1.60 crore. Thakkar had sent an employee to deliver 2100 grams of gold to two buyers in Navrangpura, Ahmedabad. In return, the employee received a plastic cover supposedly containing Rs 1.3 crore. The buyers then left, claiming they were fetching the remaining Rs 30 lakh, but never returned. It was only later that the fake notes were discovered, leading to a police investigation.

Anupam Kher's work front

On the work front, Anupam Kher is busy with his upcoming projects. His upcoming project 'Signature' premieres on the streaming platform ZEE5 on October 4.


He is awaiting the release of 'Emergency', a film directed by and starring Kangana Ranaut, which has been delayed due to certification issues.

ALSO READ: Anupam Kher Shares Inspiring Resume On LinkedIn, Says 'Luckily In My Profession, There Is No Age Limit'