Two days after actor and newly-elected MP Kangana Ranaut was slapped by a CISF constable at the Chandigarh airport, an old post by the actor, defending Hollywood actor Will Smith for slapping Chris Rock on stage during Oscars 2022, is going viral.
Kangana's old post defending Will Smith
A screenshot of Kangana’s Instagram story is doing the round on the internet, which reads, “If some idiot used my mom or sister’s illness to make bunch of fools laugh I would slap him like @willsmith did…bad ass move..hope he comes to my #lockup,” she posted along with a picture of the Will Smith slapping Chris.
Will Smith-Chris Rock slapgate
During Oscars 2022, Chris Rock took the stage to present the Best Documentary award and made a joke about actor Jada Pinkett Smith, wife of Will Smith. Chris quipped, "G.I. Jane 2. Can't wait to see it," referring to Jada. The joke alluded to the 1997 war drama "G.I. Jane," in which Demi Moore's character, the first female Navy SEAL, shaves her head. The remark targeted Jada's baldness, caused by a condition called alopecia. While Will initially chuckled, Jada was seen rolling her eyes. Moments later, Will walked up to the stage and slapped Chris across the face.
Kangana slams people praising CISF constable
Meanwhile, Kangana on Saturday criticised people praising the CISF woman constable who slapped her, questioning if they would also justify "rape or murder."
In a video message on Thursday, Ranaut claimed she was hit in the face and abused by the constable during a security check at the Chandigarh airport.
Ranaut posted on X, "Every rapist, murderer or thief always have a strong emotional, physical, psychological or financial reason to commit a crime, no crime ever happens without a reason, yet they are convicted and sentenced to jail. If you are aligned with the criminals strong emotional impulse to commit a crime violating all laws of the land. Remember if you are ok with breaking in to someone’s intimate zone, without their permission touching their bodies and assaulting them then deep down you are ok with rape or murder also because that’s also just penetration or stab only what big deal, you must look deeper in to your psychological criminal tendencies, I suggest please take up yoga and meditation or else life will become a bitter and burdensome experience, don’t carry so much grudge, hate and jealousy please , free yourself."
Kulwinder Kaur, the accused CISF personnel, has been suspended, and an investigation has been initiated. The CISF, responsible for airport security, has also ordered a court of inquiry into the incident.