Congress leader Rahul Gandhi who is in Bengaluru to campaign for the party ahead of the Karnataka Assembly Election took a ride in a scooty with a delivery boy, on Sunday. This comes hours after Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s roadshow where he was waving from a car decked with flowers and was showered with flower petals. Rahul Gandhi was on the pillion seat on a delivery boy's scooter to reach his hotel. He is set to hold public meetings in the state capital ahead of the election day next week. 

In a video shared by news agency ANI, Rahul Gandhi was first seen interacting with a boy and then taking a photograph with him. Soon after, Gandhi took a helmet, sat on the scooty, and rode to his hotel for at least 2 kms. 

As only four days are left before voting day, campaigning in Karnataka is at its peak with multiple rallies, public meetings, and interactions across the state in a bid to woo voters.

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During PM Modi’s 10-kilometre-long roadshow, he waved at the large crowds on either side of the roads, who showered him with petals, in the capital. He started his roadshow from the Kempegowda statue at New Tippasandra Road and it will culminate at Trinity Circle.

Union Home Minister Amit Shah also held a mega roadshow in the Belagavi South constituency on Sunday. A huge crowd of BJP supporters surrounded Amit Shah's vehicle and escorted the procession. Shah waved and greeted the crowd lined up on both sides of the road to welcome him.

As for Congress, Priyanka Gandhi Vadra will also be in Karnataka's Mangaluru for the election campaign on Sunday. According to Congress leader Manjunath Bhandary, she will address a public meeting at the Kolnad grounds in Mulki. He estimates that half a lakh people from Mangaluru North, Moodbidri, and Kaup will vote, PTI reported. 

On May 10, the state will go to polls and the votes will be counted on May 13.