In the first visit to Tamil Nadu after poll dates were announced, Rahul Gandhi discussed on the ideological battle in the country and hit out at the misuse of government agencies including CBI and Income Tax. Campaigning for I.N.D.I.A bloc candidates in Tiruvelveli, Rahul expressed concern over Congress party's bank accounts being frozen before elections, arrests of CMs, and threats to opposition leaders.

Congress MP Rahul Gandhi said, "Today, there is an ideological battle taking place in India. On one side, there are the ideas of Periyar, social justice, freedom and equality. On the other side, are the ideas of Narendra Modi and his govt. Narendra Modi says - one nation, one leader, one language."

"The Tamil language is no less than any other Indian language. There are many different languages and cultures in this country and all are equally important to us," he said. 

The MP said, Attack on Tamil language is an attack on Tamil people.

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On the misuse of power by BJP-led government, Rahul said, "Enforcement Directorate, CBI, I-T are used as political weapons. Election Commissioners are being chosen by the Prime Minister. Congress party's bank accounts are frozen two months before the elections. CMs are arrested. Opposition leaders are threatened."

Rahul accused the central government of prioritizing the interests of a few wealthy individuals over the needs of Tamil Nadu, citing examples of denied flood relief, lack of support for Tamil fishermen, and neglect of Tamil farmers' grievances.

Rahul said: "The Prime Minister has completely ignored the fishermen of this country. He doesn't even think about them. But fishermen are no less than our farmers. They take huge risks and provide food."

Alleging that the entire idea was to make sure that 3-4 of India's richest people benefit from India, Rahul Gandhi said, "When Tamil Nadu asks for money for flood relief, it is refused. When Tamil fishermen ask for assistance, the Centre give them nothing. Tamil farmers are forced to go to Jantar Mantar but they get nothing. The only thing Mr Narendra Modi cares about is having a monopoly on finances and communication system of this country."

Further, Centre labels Tamil Nadu's request for flood relief as "Pitchai," a plea made to seek "alms," he said.