In South Chennai Lok Sabha constituency, which faces a three-faced election, AIADMK candidate J. Jayavardhan actively engaged in campaigning and connected with constituents on Tuesday. During the campaign, Jayavardhan emphasized the overwhelming support received from the public and cited their desire to oust the alleged anti-people DMK government. Jayavardhan accused the DMK of neglecting public welfare and alleged their focus on buying votes during elections.
Criticising the alleged accumulation of wealth within the DMK party, AIADMK candidate from South Chennai constituency J. Jayavardhan said, "We are getting an overwhelming response from the people and people are welcoming us everywhere. They want to get rid of this anti-people DMK government... DMK doesn't do anything for the people and during election time, they just want to buy votes. DMK party has accumulated a lot of wealth."
AIADMK Raised Katchatheevu Multiple Times In Parl: Jayavardhan
Jayavardhan highlighted AIADMK's efforts in raising Katchatheevu issue in Parliament and said that taking up the issue before polls was pure politics. He said, "AIADMK has raised the Katchatheevu issue multiple times in Parliament. Why hasn't the Prime Minister taken any steps to solve the issues that are right here in the Indian Ocean- be it fishermen or the Katchatheevu issue. Taking up the issue right before the elections is purely politics."
Hitting at the DMK-Congress alliance, he said, "All Tamils in the world are well aware that it is because of the DMK in coalition with Congress, that our sovereign place has been ceded to Sri Lanka. What AIADMK has been saying for such a long time, BJP has said towards the election time."
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