New Delhi: Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) declared the UPSC CDS I Result 2021. The candidates who had appeared for the Combined Defence Services Examination (I), 2021 written examination and interview round can check their result through the official site of the UPSC —

According to official information, the training will start in April 2022. The merit list released by the UPSC also includes the names of the candidates who were earlier recommended for admission to Indian Military Academy Dehradun, Naval Academy Ezhimala Kerala, Air Force Academy Hyderabad on the basis of the result of this examination.

UPSC CDS I Result 2021 Here's how to check

  • Step 1: First of all, candidates who had appeared for the exam should visit the, the official site of UPSC.

  • Step 2: After this click on the UPSC CDS I Result 2021 link available on the home page.

  • Step 3: Now a new page will open where candidates can see their name and roll number.

  • Step 4: Candidates should now check the result and download the page.

  • Step 5: Candidates should keep a hard copy of the same for further needs.

Important information related to UPSC CDS I Result 2021

The Commission will fill a total of 170 vacant posts of men and a total of 17 vacancies of women through this recruitment. The marks of the candidates will be available on the commission's website for 30 days within 15 days from the date of declaration of the final result. For more related information, candidates can visit the official site of UPSC.

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