Delhi: As the board exams are nearing, parents are in deep concern regarding their children as studies for almost the entire academic year was conducted online, and that may affect grades awarded to their kids.

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Following the concern, a parliamentary panel has suggested the Education Ministry provide a “question bank” to the students of class 10 and 12, of which selected questions will come in exams which will, in turn, help students getting better grades and mitigate the learning gap they faced this year.

According to reports from news agency PTI, government officials briefing the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Education on the impact of Covid-19 on school education suggested that there could be a substantial "learning gap" in this academic year due to the pandemic and there have been reports that a sizeable number of students missed virtual classes due to Internet connectivity. Members of the panel also raised questions on the viability of online classes for poor families who cannot afford mobile phones or laptops, the sources said.

Panel chairman and Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Vinay Sahasrabuddhe suggested that classes for various subjects conducted by Doordarshan and All India Radio (AIR) on different platforms should have been promoted through advertisements and other mediums by the ministry.

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He also claimed that as compared to the internet Doordarshan and AIR are more cost-effective and both mediums have a broader reach across the country.

The panel also backed Sahasrabuddhe's suggestion for the creation of a "big question bank" of all subjects on the basis of which questions should be asked in exams, especially for 10th and 12th board classes, the sources said, adding this question bank should be given in advance to students before the exams.

The suggestion for a “question bank” comes after the observation of government officials that there can be a substantial learning gap between students in the ongoing academic year in wake of the pandemic.

Quoting Sahasrabuddhe, the sources said the question bank should cover the entire syllabus and should have questions that evaluate both the analytical and logical abilities of the students.

Members said giving it to students in advance would solve the exam management-related issues and ease anxiety and fear among students. The board exams for class 10 and 12 are scheduled to be held from May 5 to June 21.

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