The Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) has released the Bihar Board 12th Results 2023 today, March 21, 2023. Candidates who appeared for the Bihar 12th Board Exams 2023 can check their results on the official BSEB website - 

However, candidates who are not happy or are unsatisfied with their result can register for the scrutiny (re-evaluation) round. As per the official notice issued by the board in this regard, candidates will be able to register for the scrutiny round from March 23 to March 29, 2023. 

Bihar Board 12th Result 2023: Direct Result Link

Through the scrutiny round, candidates can request for a re-evaluation of their answer sheets by paying a certain fee for requested re-evaluation per paper. Besides the scrutiny registration timeline, the BSEB has also notified the dates for the registration for BSEB 12th Compartmental exams 2023. 

Candidates who couldn’t clear the Bihar Board 12th Exams 2023 can apply for the compartmental exam from March 23 to March 27, 2023. The BSEB is expected to announce the results for the compartmental exam by the end of May 2023. 


Earlier today, the BSEB declared the Bihar Board 12th Result 2023. The result was announced for 13 lakh students who appeared for the BSEB 12th Board Exams 2023. Among all candidates, the overall passing percentage in the BSEB 12th Board Exams 2023 is 83.7%. The passing percentage for Science, Arts, and Commerce streams stand at  83.93, 82.74, and 93.95, respectively. 

In the Science stream, Ayushi Nandan topped the Bihar Board 12th Exams 2023 with a score of 94.8%. For Arts and Commerce, Mohaddesa and Soumya Sharma each topped the result list in their respective streams with a score of 95%. 

Also Read: Bihar Board 12th Arts Result 2023 Announced On - Here’s How To Check Result

Also Read: Bihar Board 12th Science Result 2023 Declared On Steps To Check Result

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