In a major crackdown in Agra, a factory allegedly producing fake medicines has been uncovered. The fake medicines were being produced by a gang, endangering the lives of thousands who were sold these fake drugs in the market. The police arrested the prime suspect, Vijay Goyal, along with nine others involved in the operation. Authorities have seized counterfeit medicines worth Rs 8 crore at face value.

The illegal operation was based out of Shastripuram, Sikandra, where the manufacturing of these fake medicines was being carried out on a large scale. A joint raid by the UP Drug Department and the police revealed a sophisticated setup, leaving officials surprised by the quantity of counterfeit drugs being produced. The factory was fully equipped with machinery designed to mass-produce spurious medicines.

According to police reports, Vijay Goyal, the mastermind behind the operation, had previously served jail time for similar crimes. After being released, he resumed his illegal activities. During the raid, the officials seized raw materials, machinery, and large quantities of fake medicines that were being labelled and prepared for distribution. 

Authorities are now investigating the source of the raw materials used in the fake medicine production and tracking the distribution network of these fake drugs.

Assistant Commissioner of the Drug Department, Atul Upadhyay, said that they had received a tip-off about a factory in the Shastripuram area producing counterfeit drugs. The factory did not have documentation but was engaged in the large-scale production and sale of these fake medicines in the market. During the raid, large stocks of fake medicines for allergies, stomach pain, and fake antibiotics were discovered. The samples were sent for further testing.

DCP City confirmed that the joint operation between the Drug Department and police successfully dismantled this illegal factory. Vijay Goyal, who had a criminal record, was running the operation. The 10 arrested suspects will be presented before the court and sent to jail.

(With inputs from Laxmikant Sharma, ABP Live.)