The Congress on Monday slammed the Madhya Pradesh government after a video of a visibly "frustrated" police officer tearing off his uniform in Singrauli surfaced on social media. Police officials clarified that the incident occurred in February, and disciplinary action had already been taken against Assistant Sub-Inspector Vinod Mishra, who is seen in the video after a confrontation with the husband of a BJP corporator.

The Congress shared the video, stating, "Law enforcement in the state has collapsed. Crime rates are uncontrolled, criminals are emboldened, and the police are either helpless or under pressure." The party claimed, "This video is reportedly from the Waidhan police station in Singrauli, where a police officer became so frustrated due to the pressure from a BJP councillor that he ripped off his own uniform." They further alleged that the condition of the state's home department had worsened under Chief Minister Mohan Yadav's leadership.

Meanwhile, Additional Superintendent of Police (ASP) Shiv Kumar Verma explained that the incident had been investigated by then-SP Yousuf Qureshi back in February. Based on the investigation, current SP Nivedita Gupta had penalized Mishra by halting his annual increment.

Arjun Gupta, husband of BJP corporator Gauri Gupta, denied claims that he tore Mishra's uniform, asserting the allegations were proven false. The argument had centred on a drain construction, and Gupta stated that he only warned Mishra he would rip off his uniform if the officer continued to act aggressively.

Mishra explained that Gupta had threatened to strip him and have him dismissed in front of police station in-charge Sudhesh Tiwari. Mishra admitted he removed his uniform out of humiliation, adding, "I shouldn’t have reacted in that manner."

Singrauli SP Nivedita Gupta said that seven months ago, ASI Vinod Mishra removed his uniform after being threatened by BJP leader Arjun Gupta during a dispute at Kotwali police station. The incident, captured on CCTV, has resurfaced as a viral video, prompting an investigation.