JD(S) Social Media Vice President Vijay Tata has lodged a complaint at the Amruthahalli Police Station in Bengaluru against senior party leader and Union Minister HD Kumaraswamy and MLC Ramesh Gowda. Tata has accused both leaders of demanding Rs 50 crore for election expenses related to the upcoming Channapatna by-election, as well as issuing threats to his life.

In his complaint, Tata detailed that during a conversation with Kumaraswamy, the latter allegedly insisted that Rs 50 crore was needed to secure a win in the Channapatna constituency. Tata expressed that he was deeply troubled by these demands and when he informed Kumaraswamy that he did not have such funds and needed to review his real estate finances, he was met with a threatening response.


Tata claimed that Kumaraswamy warned him that failure to provide the amount could have severe consequences for his business and personal safety, as per a report on The Hindustan Times. He further alleged that Kumaraswamy hinted that Tata would face difficulties in continuing his real estate ventures in Bengaluru if the demand was not met.

In addition to these allegations, Tata has requested police protection, citing concerns for his safety. The incident has sparked controversy within the JD(S) and could potentially escalate tensions ahead of the by-election.

Karnataka Minister Dinesh Gundu Rao says, "Since H. D. Kumaraswamy has become the Union Minister he has lost my respect. I don't see him doing any constructive work. He is behaving in a very irresponsible manner. The Chief Minister's issue is being investigated...We believe that the CM has done nothing wrong...H. D. Kumaraswamy has no principles and moral values. The kind of things that he has done and the track record of him and his family opens a huge Pandora's box..."