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Safeguarding Your Finances: Practical Tips For Customers To Combat Money Laundering Risks

By staying informed, being vigilant, and reporting suspicious activity, you can safeguard your finances and contribute to a safer financial ecosystem in India.


By Nilesh Sangoi

In India, where the financial landscape is rapidly evolving, vigilance against money laundering is crucial. This criminal activity not only undermines the integrity of the system but also exposes individuals to significant risks. While financial institutions have robust measures in place, customer awareness and proactive steps are equally important. Let's explore the risks and practical tips to safeguard your finances.

Understanding the Money Laundering Landscape in India

In 2021, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) grappled with a surge in financial crimes, registering over 3,100 cases of money laundering. The gravity of the situation is evident as the seized assets in these cases surpassed Rs 4.5 Lakh Crore, as per a report by The Hindu.

Money launderers deploy various sophisticated techniques, including cash smuggling, trade-based laundering, and the misuse of shell companies. These tactics pose substantial challenges for authorities combating financial crimes, according to insights from the Financial Action Task Force.

Individuals, whether knowingly or unknowingly involved in money laundering, face significant risks. Apart from the obvious legal consequences, participation in such activities can result in severe reputational damage and substantial financial losses. The implications underscore the critical importance of vigilance and compliance with anti-money laundering regulations.

Practical Tips for Indian Customers

Reporting Suspicious Activity:

  • Know the signs: Beyond large cash transactions, be wary of frequent requests for money transfers to high-risk countries, unusual activity on dormant accounts, or individuals offering excessively high returns on investments.
  • Report directly: Don't hesitate to report directly to your bank's compliance officer or designated anti-money laundering (AML) department. Many banks also offer online reporting portals for anonymous submissions.
  • Utilise FIU-IND channels: Leverage the anonymous reporting portal on the FIU-IND website or their toll-free helpline (1800-111-888). Remember, anonymity protects you from potential retaliation.
  • Provide details: When reporting, share as much information as possible, including dates, amounts, individuals involved, and any suspicious documentation. This helps authorities investigate effectively.

Verifying Information: 

  • Go beyond online searches: While online research helps, physically visit the business address or register their company details with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) for verification.
  • Beware of impersonation: Banks and financial institutions never request sensitive information via unsolicited calls or emails. Double-check contact details and avoid clicking on suspicious links.
  • Utilise government resources: Check if the individual or business is linked to any regulatory action using platforms like MCA Lookup or the Reserve Bank of India's alert list.

Protecting Personal Information:

  • Enable two-factor authentication: This adds an extra layer of security beyond passwords, requiring a code from your phone for logins.
  • Beware of public Wi-Fi: Avoid conducting financial transactions on unsecured public Wi-Fi networks where data can be intercepted.
  • Shred sensitive documents: Don't simply throw away bank statements or bills containing personal information. Shred them thoroughly before discarding them.
  • Beware of social engineering: Don't share personal or financial details with individuals claiming to represent banks or government agencies unless you initiate contact through official channels.

Staying Informed:

  • Subscribe to alerts: Many banks and financial institutions offer email or SMS alerts for suspicious activity on your accounts. Stay informed and act promptly if you receive one.
  • Follow trusted sources: Subscribe to newsletters or social media pages of organisations like FIU-IND or RBI for updates on emerging money laundering trends and red flags.
  • Attend awareness programs: Participate in workshops or webinars offered by your bank or financial institutions to gain deeper knowledge about AML practices and your role in safeguarding your finances.

Remember: You play a vital role in combating money laundering. By staying informed, being vigilant, and reporting suspicious activity, you can safeguard your finances and contribute to a safer financial ecosystem in India.

(The author is the Chief Information Officer at Fincare SFB)

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Published at : 22 Feb 2024 11:58 AM (IST) Tags: scam Business News Personal Finance Money Laundering ABP Live Premium ABP Premium PF News Money Laundering Protection
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