Mahindra has revealed the prices for its XUV 3XO, with a Rs 7.4 lakh starting price. The top-end manual is prices at Rs 13.99, while the automatic turbo petrol at Rs 15.4 lakh. In terms of the variant list, it is similar to the XUV700 with MX1, MX2, MX2 Pro, MX3, MX3 Pro, AX5, AX5L, AX7, and AX7L.
The diesel is available from MX2 while the 131 ho turbo petrol is available from AX5L onwards.
The base MX variants come with some differences while standard safety features include 6 airbags, ESC and more. In the MX trims you get a single pane sunroof, 10.25inch touchscreen, wheel cover and cruise control plus LED projector lights.
The AX trims have the features which are the standout ones available on the XUV 3XO with AX5 getting a digital instrument cluster, height adjustable drivers seat, push button start stop, auto headlamps, connected car tech, ADAS, cooled glovebox and more.
The AX7 and AX7L ofcourse being in the panoramic sunroof, 17 inch alloys, front parking sensors, 360 degree camera with a blind view monitor, electric parking brake, Harman Kardon audio system.
We suggest the AX trims have the talked about features with AX7 having panoramic sunroof, 17 inch alloys and more being the one to get.
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