A tragic incident unfolded on Tuesday as a speeding car, allegedly driven by an intoxicated passenger, resulted in the loss of three lives. The devastating accident occurred on Rushikonda Beach Road, falling within the jurisdiction of Arilova Police Station in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh.

According to a report by IANS, the car, carrying a group of young individuals who were reportedly under the influence of alcohol, collided with a divider and a tree before striking a motorbike on the opposite side of the road. The couple on the motorbike, identified as Prithvi Raj (28) and Priyanka (21) from Odisha, lost their lives on the spot. Prithvi Raj was employed as a site engineer in a Visakhapatnam-based company.

In the aftermath, one of the car's six occupants suffered severe injuries and succumbed on the spot. The deceased, Manikumar (25), was sitting in the rear side of the vehicle.

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Following the accident, three of the occupants managed to flee, while two others, who sustained injuries, were rushed to KGH Hospital for medical treatment. The group of young individuals in the car was reported to have consumed alcohol. The car was en route from Jodugullapalem Beach towards Sagar Nagar.

As per a police complaint, the group had engaged in disruptive behaviour on the road near Sagar Nagar arch, involving the shattering of liquor bottles and even snatching a mobile phone from an individual. Subsequently, when the victim approached the Jogullapalem police check post to report the incident, the police were alerted to the accident. The victim identified the car at the accident site, leading to the recovery of his mobile phone from the vehicle. Notably, liquor bottles were also discovered within the car.

A police official confirmed the registration of a case and the initiation of a comprehensive investigation into the matter.

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