9 Powerful Herbs To Enhance Digestion

Psyllium: The fibre in psyllium supports gastrointestinal health, healthy elimination, and regularity.

Trikatu: A blend of trikatu, ginger, long pepper, and black pepper stimulates digestive fire and helps the body break down food.

Triphala: Combining triphala with amla, bibhitaki, and haritaki supports the GI tract and digestive system and helps maintain gut microbiome balance.

Bael leaf: It acts as a mild laxative, promoting regularity and healthy elimination without unwanted side effects.

Turmeric: It supports a healthy inflammation response and positively influences gastrointestinal health and function.

Ginger: It has a protective effect on the GI tract and stimulates the digestive system, supporting healthy elimination.

Licorice root: It supports digestion and soothes the stomach by maintaining balanced acidity.

Rosemary: This herb supports a healthy inflammatory response and regular gastrointestinal function with its beneficial oils.

Peppermint: It has relaxant properties that support smooth gastrointestinal function and help detoxify the body.