Top 9 Foods To Boost Your Gut Health And Reduce Stress

Whole Grains: Rich in fibre and antioxidants, whole grains support gut health by feeding good intestinal bacteria and preventing constipation.

Green Leafy Vegetables: Spinach, broccoli, and kale are high in dietary fibres, vitamins, and minerals, improving overall gut function.

Lean Proteins: Foods like chicken and white fish are high in protein but low in fat, which is beneficial for those with IBS, or gut sensitivity.

Low-Sugar Fruits: Reducing sugar intake helps prevent bloating. Opt for fruits like berries and apples in moderation.

Yoghurt: It contains probiotics that improve digestion and maintain a healthy gut flora.

Chia Seeds: High in dietary fibres, chia seeds support the growth of beneficial gut bacteria and help clear constipation.

Almonds: Packed with vitamin E, fatty acids, and fibre, almonds promote gut health.

Olive oil: It contains fatty acids and polyphenols that reduce gut inflammation and maintain healthy bacterial flora.

Bananas: It are rich in fibre and inulin, promoting good bacteria growth and protecting against acids.